LibreOffice Writer 的功能

LibreOffice Writer 可讓您設計並產生可包含圖形、表格或圖表的文字文件。之後可將這些文件儲存為各種格式,包括標準化的 OpenDocument 格式 (ODF)、Microsoft Word .doc 格式,或 HTML。亦可輕鬆地將文件匯出為可攜式文件格式 (PDF)。


LibreOffice Writer 讓您建立基本文件 (例如備忘錄、傳真、信函、簡歷) 和合併文件,以及長而複雜或有多個部份的文件,可完整地帶有參考文獻目錄、參照表和索引。

LibreOffice Writer also includes such useful features as a spellchecker, a thesaurus, AutoCorrect, and hyphenation as well as a variety of templates for almost every purpose. You can also create your own templates using the wizards.


LibreOffice offers a wide variety of options to design documents. Use the Styles window to create, assign and modify styles for paragraphs, individual characters, frames and pages. In addition, the Navigator helps you to quickly move around inside your documents, lets you look at your document in an outline view, and keeps track of the objects that you have inserted into your document.


LibreOffice Writer 的桌面排列

LibreOffice Writer contains numerous desktop publishing and drawing tools to assist you in creating professionally styled documents, such as brochures, newsletters and invitations. You can format your documents with multi-column layouts, frames, graphics, tables, and other objects.


LibreOffice 的文字文件具有整合的計算功能,您可以利用該功能執行各種用途的計算功能或邏輯連結。在文字文件中亦可毫無困難地建立計算所需的表格。


LibreOffice Writer 繪圖工具讓您在文字文件中直接建立繪圖、圖形、圖例以及其他類型的繪圖。


您可在文字文件中插入不同格式的圖片,包括 JPG 或 GIF 格式的圖形。此外,圖庫提供美術圖形集,美術字圖庫則可炫目的字型效果。


The program interface is designed so that you can configure it according to your preferences, including customizing icons and menus. You can position various program windows, such as the Styles window or the Navigator as floating windows anywhere on the screen. You can also dock some windows to the edge of the workspace.


拖放功能使您能夠快速而有效率地使用 LibreOffice 中的文字文件。例如,您可以在同一文件的不同位置之間或使用中的 LibreOffice 文件之間拖放物件 (如圖庫中的圖形)。


您可以使用各種線上說明系統作為瞭解 LibreOffice 應用程式的完整參照,包括對簡單和複雜工作的說明

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