LibreOffice 24.8 Help
The OLE Object bar appears when objects are selected, and contains the most important functions for formatting and positioning objects.
Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or to a selected object.
Places the object on a separate line in the document. The Text in the document appears above and below the object, but not on the sides of the object.您也可以在 [環繞] 標籤頁上選擇此設定。
Wraps text on all four sides of the border frame of the object.此圖示對應於 [環繞] 標籤頁上的 [頁面環繞] 選項。
Places the object in front of the text.您也可以透過 [環繞] 標籤頁取得相同的效果。
Aligns the left edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the left edge of the object is aligned to the left page margin.
Horizontally centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the horizontal center of the page.
Aligns the right edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Impress or Draw, the right edge of the object is aligned to the right page margin.
Vertically aligns the top edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the top edge of the object is aligned to the upper page margin.
Vertically centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the vertical center of the page.
Opens a dialog where you can modify the properties of the selected object, for example, its size and name.
Allows you to switch between anchoring options.