
  1. 字數和字元數顯示於狀態列,隨著內文編輯即時更新。

  2. Word and character count for a section is shown in the Navigator as a tooltip when the mouse pointer is over the name of this section.

  3. 如果您只想要計算文件中的部份文字,請選取文字。

  4. To display extended statistics such as count of characters without spaces, double click the word count in the status bar, or choose Tools - Word Count.

LibreOffice 如何計算字數?


總是使用連字號的單字,例如plug-in、add-on、 user/config, 計算為一個字。

這些字詞可以混合字母、數字及特殊字元。因此,下列文字會計算為四個字詞:abc123 1.23 "$" http://www.example.com。

To add a custom character to be considered as the word limit, choose - LibreOffice Writer - General and add the character into the Additional separators field. By default, this field contains em dash (—) and en dash (–).


若要獲得有關文件更多的統計資料,請選擇 [檔案] - [屬性] - [統計]

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