LibreOffice 25.2 Help
To create a form letter, you need a text document that contains fields for address data, and an address database. Then you combine or merge the address data and the text document to either print the letters or send them by email.
If the document is in HTML format, any embedded or linked images will not be sent with the email.
選擇 [工具] - [合併列印精靈]。
您可看到 [合併列印精靈] 對話方塊。以下列舉瀏覽精靈頁面時可用的眾多方式的其中之一:
選取 [從範本開始],然後按一下 [瀏覽] 按鈕。
您會看到 [新增] 對話方塊。
Select Business Correspondence in the left list, and then "Modern" business letter in the right list. Click OK to close the Templates dialog, and click Next in the wizard.
選取 [信函] 並按 [下一步]。
On the next step of the wizard, click the Select Address List button to check that you are using the correct address list. If you want to use an address block, select an address block type, match the data fields if necessary, and click Next.
接著按照 [建立稱謂] 步驟進行。取消選取 [插入個人化的稱謂] 方塊。在 [一般稱謂] 之下,選取您要放在所有信函最上方的稱謂。
If you want to place mail merge fields anywhere else in the document select the corresponding column in your address data source and then drag and drop the column header into the document where you would like the field to be. Be sure to select the entire column.
按 [下一步],最後按 [完成] 即可建立合併列印。