
Counts the words and characters, with or without spaces, in the current selection and in the whole document. The count is kept up to date as you type or change the selection.


From the menu bar:

選擇 [工具] - [字數統計]

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Review - Word Count.

On the Review menu of the Review tab, choose Word Count.

From toolbars:

Icon Word Count

Word Count

From the status bar:

Click on the Word and Character Count area.

LibreOffice 如何計算字數?


總是使用連字號的單字,例如plug-in、add-on、 user/config, 計算為一個字。

這些字詞可以混合字母、數字及特殊字元。因此,下列文字會計算為四個字詞:abc123 1.23 "$" http://www.example.com。

To add a custom character to be considered as the word limit, choose - LibreOffice Writer - General and add the character into the Additional separators field. By default, this field contains em dash (—) and en dash (–).

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