LibreOffice 24.8 Help
您想在 Writer 文字文件中的游標處插入小計公式,例如「summation of s^k from k = 0 to n」。
.You see the Math input window and the Elements pane on the left.
From the list on the upper part of the Elements pane, select the Operators item.
In the lower part of the Elements pane, click the Sum icon.
若要啟用上下限,請另外按一下 [上下界限] 圖示。
k = 0
按下 F4 前進到下一個標記,然後輸入上限:
按下 F4 前進到下一個標記,然後輸入被加數:
In the same way, you can enter an Integral formula with limits. When you click an icon from the Elements pane, the assigned text command is inserted in the input window. If you know the text commands, you can enter the commands directly in the input window.
int from{a} to{b} f(x)`dx
A small gap exists between f(x) and dx, which you can also enter using the Elements pane: select the Formats item from the list on the top, then the Small Gap icon.
若不想使用字母 f 與 x 的字型,請選擇 [預設] 按鈕,以從此使用新字型作為預設字型。