LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Assign different set operators to the characters in your LibreOffice Math formula. The individual operators are shown in the lower section of the Elements pane. Call the context menu in the Commands window to see an identical list of the individual functions. Any operators not found in the Elements pane have to be entered directly in the Commands window. You can also directly insert other parts of the formula even if symbols already exist for them.
After selecting the Set Operations item in the Elements pane, relevant icons will be shown in the lower part of this pane. Simply click a symbol to incorporate the operator in the formula being edited in the Commands window.
手動輸入「指令」視窗中時請注意,空白字元是運算子不可缺少的一部分。尤其是以數值替代萬用字元工作時,例如集合運算子子集應輸入為 A subset B。