
You can choose various unary and binary operators to build your LibreOffice Math formula. Unary refers to operators that affect one placeholder. Binary refers to operators that connect two placeholders. The lower area of the Elements pane displays the individual operators. The context menu of the Commands window also contains a list of these operators, as well as additional operators. If you need an operator that is not contained in the Elements pane, use the context menu or type it directly in the Commands window.


開啟 [指令] 視窗中的右鍵功能表 - 選擇 [一元/二元運算子]

Choose View - Elements; then on the Elements pane select Unary/Binary Operators from the listbox.

The following is a complete list of the unary and binary operators. The symbol next to the operator indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (choose View - Elements) or through the context menu of the Commands window.


Plus Icon

符號 +

插入帶有一個佔位項的加號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 + <?>

Minus Icon

符號 -

插入帶有一個佔位項的減號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 -<?>

Plus/Minus Icon


插入帶有一個佔位項的加號/減號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 +-<?>

Minus/Plus Icon


插入帶有一個佔位項的減號/加號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 -+<?>

Addition (plus) Icon


插入帶有兩個佔位項的加號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>+<?>

Multiplication (dot) Icon

乘法 (點)

插入帶有兩個佔位項的點運算子。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>cdot<?>

Multiplication (x) Icon

乘法 (交叉)

插入帶有兩個佔位項的 'x' 乘號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>times<?>

Multiplication (*) Icon

乘法 (星形)

插入帶有兩個佔位項的星號乘號。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>*<?>

Subtraction Icon


插入帶有兩個佔位項的減號。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>-<?>

Division (Fraction) Icon

除法 (分數)

插入帶有兩個佔位項的分數。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>over<?>

Division Icon

除法 (兩點一划線)

插入帶有兩個佔位項的除號。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>div<?>

Division (Slash) Icon

除法 (斜線)

插入帶有兩個佔位項的斜線 '/'。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>/<?>

Boolean NOT Icon

邏輯的 NOT

插入帶有一個佔位項的布林型 NOT您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 neg<?>

Boolean AND Icon

邏輯 AND

插入帶有兩個佔位項的布林型 AND您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>and<?>

Boolean OR Icon

邏輯的 OR

插入帶有兩個佔位項的布林型 OR。您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 <?>or<?>

Concatenate Icon


插入帶有兩個佔位項的連結符號您也可以在 [指令] 視窗中輸入 circ

You can also insert user-defined unary operators by typing uoper in the Commands window, followed by the syntax for the character. This function is useful for incorporating special characters into a formula. For example, the command uoper %theta x produces a small Greek letter theta (a component of the LibreOffice Math character set). You can also insert characters not in the LibreOffice character set by choosing Tools - Symbols - Edit.

You can also insert user-defined binary commands by typing boper into the Commands window. For example, the command y boper %theta x produces the small Greek letter theta preceded by a y and followed by an x. You can also insert characters not in the LibreOffice character set by choosing Tools - Symbols - Edit.

<?>oplus<?> 指令會插入包圍在圓形中的加法字元至文件中。

可利用 <?>ominus<?> 插入包圍在圓形中的減法字元

在「指令」視窗中輸入 <?>odot<?> 以插入在圓形中的乘法點

利用 <?>odivide<?> 將包圍在圓形中的反斜除法線插入公式文件中。

[指令] 視窗中輸入 a wideslash b 會產生中間有一條斜線 (從左下方到右上方) 的兩個字元。如此設定字元會使斜線左方的所有字元位於上方,划線右方的所有字元位於下方。[指令] 視窗的320909也提供此指令。

[指令] 視窗中輸入 a widebslash b 會產生中間有一條斜線 (從左上方到右下方) 的兩個字元。如此設定字元會使斜線左方的所有字元位於下方,划線右方的所有字元位於上方。[指令] 視窗的320862也提供此指令。

subsup 指令可用來附加公式字元上的標誌和乘冪,例如 a sub 2。


If you want to use a colon ':' as division sign, choose Tools - Symbols or click the Symbols icon on the Tools bar. Click the Edit button in the dialog that appears, then select the Special symbol set. Enter a meaningful name next to Symbol, for example, "divide" and then click the colon in the set of symbols. Click Add and then OK. Click OK to close the Symbols dialog,too. Now you can use the new symbol, in this case the colon, by entering its name in the Commands window, for example, a %divide b = c.


在「指令」視窗進行手動輸入時請注意,空白字元是運算子不可缺少的一部分。尤其是以值替代萬用字元執行時,例如,建立除法 4 div 3 或 a div b 時。

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