LibreOffice 25.2 Help
在 Impress 與 Draw 中,可使用稱為連接線的線條連接兩個形狀。當您在兩個形狀之間繪製連接線時,連接線將連接至每個形狀的一個接著點上。每個形狀都有一些預設接著點,預設接著點的位置視各形狀而異。您可以在形狀中加入自訂接著點,然後將連接線連接至自訂接著點。
Do one of the following to get existing gluepoints visible for all elements:
Click the Gluepoints icon on the toolbar; or
.Click the Insert Gluepoint icon on the toolbar.
Select element on slide where you want to add gluepoints.
If the shape is filled, you can click anywhere inside the shape. If the shape is unfilled, you can click the border to insert a gluepoint. Once inserted, you can drag the gluepoint to another position inside the shape.
With the four icons next to the Insert Gluepoint icon, you choose the directions which will be permitted for a connector at this gluepoint. You can choose one or more directions for a particular gluepoint.
If the Gluepoint Relative icon is active, the gluepoint moves when you resize the object to keep its position relative to the object borders.
If the Gluepoint Relative icon is not active, the icons next to it are no longer grayed out. With these icons you can decide where a gluepoint will be placed when the size of the object is changed.