Adding a Header or a Footer to All Slides

Every slide is based on a master slide. The text, pictures, tables, fields or other objects that you place on the master slide are visible as a background on all slides that are based on that master slide.






A predefined Header Area is available only for notes and handouts. If you want a header on all slides, you can move the Footer Area on the master slide to the top.

Objects that you insert on a master slide are visible on all slides that are based on that master slide.

  1. 選擇 [檢視] - [頁首與頁尾]


    Header Footer Dialog

    依預設會啟用 [日期和時間] 核取方塊,但格式會設定為 [固定] 且文字輸入方塊是空的,因此投影片上不會顯示日期和時間。

    依預設會啟用 [頁尾] 核取方塊,但文字輸入方塊是空的,因此投影片上不會顯示頁尾。

    依預設會清除 [投影片編號] 核取方塊,因此不會顯示投影片編號。

  2. 輸入或選取應顯示在所有投影片上的內容。

  3. If you want to change the position and formatting of the master objects, choose View - Master.

    You see the master slide with areas near the bottom. You can move the areas , and you can select the fields and apply some formatting. You can also enter some text here which will be shown next to the fields.

  4. 按一下 [日期區塊] 並移動時間和日期欄位。選取 <date/time> 欄位,並套用某些格式以變更所有投影片上日期和時間的格式。[頁尾區塊] 和 [投影片編號區塊] 的運作方式相同。

  5. Normally the predefined elements of the master slide are set to visible in the presentation. You can control the visibility of the predefined elements by choosing Slide - Master Elements.

    Master Layout Dialog


You can add a text object anywhere on the master slide.

  1. Choose View - Master Slide.

  2. On the Drawing bar, select the Text iconIcon.

  3. Drag in the master slide to draw a text object, and then type or paste your text.

  4. 當您完成時,請選擇 [檢視] - [一般]


您也可以選擇[插入] - [欄位指令],將欄位 (如日期或頁碼) 加入至頁首或頁尾。

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