LibreOffice 25.2 Help
指定文字文件或 HTML 文件中的列印設定。
The print settings defined on this tab page apply to subsequent new documents, until you change the settings again. If you want to change the settings for the current print job only, use the
Specifies whether the graphics of your text document are printed.
Specifies whether the form control fields of the text document are printed.
Specifies whether to include colors and objects that are inserted to the background of the page (Format - Page Style - Background) in the printed document.
Specifies whether to always print text in black.
啟用此選項可列印標示為隱藏的文字。會列印下列隱藏的文字:透過 [格式] - [字元] - [字型效果] - [隱藏] 格式化為隱藏的文字,以及文字欄位 [隱藏文字] 及 [隱藏段落]。
定義具有多頁的 LibreOffice Writer 文件的列印順序。
Specifies whether to print all left (even numbered) pages of the document.
Specifies whether to print all right (odd numbered) pages of the document.
Select the Brochure option to print your document in brochure format. The brochure format is as follows in LibreOffice Writer:
如果將縱向格式的文件列印在橫向的紙張上,小冊子中相對的兩頁將會並排列印。如果您的印表機具有雙面列印功能,則您可以從文件建立一個完整的小冊子,而無需事後排序頁面。如果您的印表機僅具有單面列印功能,則您可以透過以下步驟達到此效果:先在標記 [正面、側面/右頁/奇數頁] 選項的情況下列印出正面,然後將整疊紙重新插入印表機,並在標記 [背面、側面/左頁/偶數頁] 選項的情況下列印所有的反面。
This control appears only if Complex text layout is set in .
若啟用此選項,便會列印自動插入的空白頁。這最適用於雙面列印。例如在書籍中,「章節」段落樣式已設為一律以奇數頁起始。如果上一章結束於奇數頁,LibreOffice 會插入一頁編號偶數的空白頁。此選項控制是否要列印該偶數頁。
For printers with multiple trays, the "Paper tray from printer settings" option specifies whether the paper tray used is specified by the system settings of the printer.