LibreOffice 25.2 Help
LibreOffice 會使用系統安裝的字型。在文字文件中,您可以選取任何可列印的字型。在 HTML 文件或 Web 版面配置中,僅提供可在螢幕上看到的字型。在試算表和繪圖中,您可以選取任何已安裝的字型。
In the Print dialog or the Printer Settings dialog, select the printer from the printers list box and click Properties. The Properties dialog appears containing several tab pages. This is where you can make settings that are used according to the PPD file of the selected printer.
在「設備」選項標籤中,選取印表機的特殊選項。如果印表機只能印出黑白色,則應該「顏色」選項中設定「灰階」。如果印表機能夠列印彩色,就選擇「彩色」。萬一「灰階」的顏色效果不好,您也可以在「顏色」選項下選取「彩色」。然後讓印表機使用 PostScript-Emulator 。此外,在此選項標籤上會顯示更進階的顏色描述以及您可在其中設定的 PostScript 級。
If you have installed fax4CUPS on your computer you can send faxes with the LibreOffice software.
A dialog prompting you for the phone numbers to send the fax to will appear after the printout when printing to a fax4CUPS printer. Multiple numbers can be entered separated by ;
In LibreOffice you can also activate an icon for sending faxes to a default fax. To do this, choose Tools - Customize - Toolbars, click Add Commands and add from "Documents" the Send Default Fax icon. You can set which fax is used when this button is pressed under - LibreOffice Writer - Print.
請記住為每個傳真建立獨立列印工作,否則第一個收件者會收到所有的傳真。在 [工具] - [合併列印] 對話方塊中選擇 [印表機] 選項並核取 [單項列印工作] 核取方塊。