
You can use Fontwork to create graphical text art objects.


  1. If you don't see the Drawing toolbar or the Fontwork toolbar, choose View - Toolbars to enable the toolbar.

  2. On the Drawing toolbar or on the Fontwork toolbar, click the Fontwork Gallery icon.

    Icon Fontwork Gallery

    Fontwork Gallery

  3. In the Fontwork Gallery dialog, select a Fontwork style and click OK.

    The Fontwork object is inserted into your document. Fontwork objects are Custom Shapes. Using the 3D Settings toolbar, you can switch the view at any time from 2D to 3D and back.

  4. 在該物件上連按兩下,進入文字編輯模式。

  5. 用自己的文字替代預設的美術字文字。

  6. Press Esc to exit text edit mode.


  1. Click the Fontwork object. If the Fontwork object is inserted in the background, hold down the key while you click.

    The Fontwork toolbar is displayed. If you do not see the Fontwork toolbar, choose View - Toolbars - Fontwork.

  2. 按一下 [美術字] 工具列上的圖示。



  1. Click the Fontwork object. If the Fontwork object is inserted in the background, hold down the key while you click.

  2. Select the properties from the Drawing Object Properties toolbar. You can change the line thickness, line color, fill color, fill style, and more.

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