LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Do a long click in the Open icon on the standard toolbar and select Open Remote File in the bottom of the list.
選取要開啟的檔案並按一下 [開啟]。
To restrict the display of files in the Open dialog to a certain type select the corresponding File type from the list. Select All Files to display all files.
One exception appears when the author of a Writer text document saves and reopens a document: The cursor will be at the same position where it has been when the document was saved. This only works when the name of the author was entered in
.Press Shift+F5 to set the cursor to the last saved position.
按一下 [標準] 列上的 [開啟新檔] 圖示,或選擇 [檔案] - [開啟新檔]。此動作會以指定的文件類型開啟一個文件。
如果按一下 開啟新檔 圖示旁的箭頭,螢幕上會出現一個子功能表,您可以在其中選取其他文件類型。