LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Data is stored in tables. As an example, your system address book that you use for your email addresses is a table of the address book database. Each address is a data record, presented as a row in that table. The data records consist of data fields, for example the first and the last name fields and the email field.
In LibreOffice you can create a new table using the Table Wizard:
在資料庫視窗的左側窗格中,按一下 [表格] 圖示。
按一下 [使用精靈建立表格]。
在資料庫視窗的左側窗格中,按一下 [表格] 圖示。
按一下 [在設計檢視中建立表格]。
您將會看到 [表格設計] 視窗。
在資料庫視窗的左側窗格中,按一下 [表格] 圖示。
按一下 [建立表格檢視]。
You see the View Design window, which is almost the same as the Query Design window.