LibreOffice 25.2 Help
In Native SQL mode you can enter SQL commands that are not interpreted by LibreOffice, but are instead passed directly to the data source. If you do not display these changes in the design view, you cannot change back to the design view.
在原始 SQL 中,SQL 字串會直接轉送到連結的資料庫系統上,而不需事先由 LibreOffice 分析。例如,您透過 ODBC 界面存取某個資料庫,那麼 SQL 字串便會轉送到 ODBC 驅動程式上,並由它進行處理。
直接執行 SQL 指令
Click the icon again to return to normal mode, in which the changes in the New Query Design are synchronized with the permitted changes through SQL.