
The Extension Manager adds, removes, disables, enables, and updates LibreOffice extensions.


For security reasons, the installation and removal of extensions are enabled and are controlled by settings in the Expert Configuration. To disable extensions installation or removal, search for the string ExtensionManager in the Expert Configuration search box and set properties DisableExtensionRemoval to true and/or DisableExtensionInstallation to true.


From the menu bar:

Choose Tools - Extensions.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Extension menu of the Extension tab, choose Extensions.

From the keyboard:

+ Alt + E

以下為 LibreOffice 擴充軟體的範例:

  1. UNO 元件 (編譯的軟體模組)

  2. 配置資料 (適用於功能表指令)

  3. LibreOffice Basic 程式庫

  4. LibreOffice 對話方塊程式庫

  5. 擴充軟體檔案 (包含上列類型之一或多個擴充軟體的 *.oxt 檔案)


具有管理員或根權限的使用者會看到一個對話方塊,其中可選擇 [為所有使用者] 或 [僅為我] 安裝擴充軟體。沒有這些權限的一般使用者僅可安裝、移除或修改擴充軟體供己之用。

  1. 具有根或管理員權限的使用者,可將擴充軟體安裝成所有使用者皆可使用的共用擴充軟體。選取擴充軟體之後,即會開啟一個對話方塊,詢問您是要為目前使用者或所有使用者進行安裝。

  2. 沒有根權限的使用者僅可安裝擴充軟體供己之用,稱之為使用者擴充軟體。


有一個檔案副檔名為 .oxt 的擴充軟體可用。

You can find a collection of extensions on the Web. Click the "Get more extensions online" link in the Extension Manager to open your Web browser and see the https://extensions.libreoffice.org/ page.



  1. 在系統的檔案瀏覽器中連按兩下 .oxt 檔案。

  2. 在網頁上按一下 *.oxt 檔案的超連結 (適用於 Web 瀏覽器可配置為啟動適用此種檔案類型的「擴充軟體管理程式」)。

  3. Choose Tools - Extensions and click Add.

To install a shared extension in text mode (for system administrators)

  1. 以管理員身份開啟終端機或指令 shell。

  2. Change to the program folder in your installation.

  3. 使用您擴充軟體的路徑及檔案名稱輸入下列指令:

    unopkg add --shared path_filename.oxt

Select the extension that you want to remove, enable, or disable. For some extensions, you can also open an Options dialog.


Click Add to add an extension.

會開啟一可於其中選取想要增加之擴充軟體的檔案對話方塊。若要複製並註冊所選的擴充軟體,請按一下 [開啟]。

An extension can show a license dialog. Read the license. Click the Scroll Down button to scroll down if necessary. Click Accept to continue the installation of the extension.


Select the extension that you want to remove, and then click Remove.


Select the extension that you want to enable, and then click Enable.


Select the extension that you want to disable, and then click Disable.


Click to check for online updates of all installed extensions. To check for updates of the selected extension only, choose the Update command from the context menu. The check for availability of updates starts immediately. You will see the Extension Update dialog.


選取一個已安裝的擴充軟體,然後按一下以開啟該擴充軟體的 [選項] 對話方塊。

Display Extensions

You can filter the list of displayed extensions by their scope.

Bundled with LibreOffice

Bundled extensions are installed by the system administrator using the operating system specific installer packages. These can not be installed, updated or removed here.

Installed for all users

Filter extensions available for all users of this computer. These can be updated or removed only with administrator or root privileges.

Installed for current user

Filter extensions only available for the currently logged in user.

Some additional commands can appear in the context menu of an extension in the Extension Manager window, depending on the selected extension. You can choose to show the license text again. You can choose to exclude the extension from checking for updates or to include an excluded extension.

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