LibreOffice 24.8 Help
Click the Check for Updates button in the Extensions dialog to check for online updates for all installed extensions. To check for online updates for only the selected extension, right-click to open the context menu, then choose Update.
When you click the
button or choose the command, the Extension Update dialog is displayed and the check for availability of updates starts immediately.檢查更新時,您可以看到進度指示。請等候對話方塊顯示訊息,或按一下 [取消] 中斷更新檢查。
[擴充軟體更新] 對話方塊可能包含無法選取的項目,因此無法執行自動更新。
相依性未滿足 (需要更多或更新的檔案才能安裝更新)。
Insufficient user rights (the Extensions dialog was started from the menu, but shared extensions can only be modified when LibreOffice does not run, and only by a user with appropriate rights). See Extensions dialog for details.
當您按一下 [安裝] 按鈕時,即會顯示 [下載與安裝] 對話方塊。
所有可直接下載的擴充軟體會立即下載。[下載與安裝] 對話方塊會顯示進度。某個擴充軟體若無法下載,則會顯示訊息。其餘擴充軟體的作業會繼續進行。
Some extensions may be marked with the phrase “browser-based update”. These extensions cannot be downloaded by the Extensions dialog. A web browser must be opened to download the extension update from a particular web site. That site may require several more user interaction to download the extension. After downloading you must install the extension manually, for example by double-clicking the extension's icon in a file browser.
For extensions marked as “browser-based update”, the Extensions dialog will open your web browser on the respective web site. This happens when you close the dialog, after downloading any other extension updates. If there are no extensions which can be directly downloaded then the web browser is started immediately.
若所有更新皆已處理完畢,[下載與安裝] 對話方塊會顯示作業已完成。按一下 [中斷更新] 按鈕即可中斷下載與安裝程序。
By default, only the downloadable extensions are shown in the dialog. Mark Show all Updates to see also other extensions and error messages.