


From the menu bar:

Choose File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures.

Choose File - Properties - General tab, click Digital Signatures button.

Choose Tools - Macros - Digital Signature.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose File - Digital Signatures.

From toolbars:

Icon Digital Signature

Digital Signature

From the status bar:

Click the Signature field on the Status bar.


You must save a file before you can apply a digital signature to the file.

You must save a file in OpenDocument format or OOXML format or export to PDF before you can apply an X509 digital signature to the file. You must save a file in OpenDocument format and have GnuPG installed on your system before you can apply an OpenPGP digital signature to the file.

The signature will be a XAdES signature for ODF and OOXML, PAdES signature for PDF.



The Signed iconIcon indicates a valid digital signature, while the Exclamation mark iconIcon indicates an invalid digital signature.



開啟 [檢視證書] 對話方塊。

Sign Document

開啟 [選取證書] 對話方塊。


Removes the selected signature from the list. Removes all subsequent signatures as well, in case of PDF.

Start Certificate Manager

Opens the installed certificate manager of your system.

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