LibreOffice 25.2 Help
Checks the document or the current selection for spelling errors. If a grammar checking extension is installed, the dialog also checks for grammar errors.
Spelling looks for misspelled words and gives you the option of adding an unknown word to a user dictionary. When the first misspelled word is found, the Spelling dialog opens.
Spelling errors are underlined in red, grammar errors in blue.
指定要用於拼字檢查的語言。若要安裝或移除其他語言模組,請執行 LibreOffice 安裝程式。如果變更此設定後替代字詞,則新的語言會作為直接字元特性指定給該字詞。
This label of this button changes to Resume if you leave the Spelling dialog open when you return to your document. To continue the spellcheck from the current position of the cursor, click Resume.
Skips all occurrences of the unknown word until the end of the current LibreOffice session and continues with the spellcheck.
Appears when checking grammar. Click to ignore the suggested grammatical change.
將[字詞] 方塊中的文字加入所選使用者自訂字典中。
To add a new dictionary, press Options, then press New. After LibreOffice is restarted, multiple user-defined dictionaries are shown when Add to Dictionary is pressed. Select which dictionary should receive the added word.
Lists suggested words to replace the misspelled word. Select the word that you want to use, and then click Correct or Correct All.
將未知的字詞以目前的建議字詞替代,或者以您在 [字詞] 方塊中輸入的文字取代。
將所有出現的未知字詞以目前建議的字詞取代,或是以您在 [字詞] 方塊中輸入的文字取代。
Enable to work first on all spelling errors, then on all grammar errors.