LibreOffice 24.8 Help
You can change or break each link to external files in the current document. You can also update the content of the current file to the most recently saved version of linked external file. This command does not apply to hyperlinks, and is not available if the current document does not contain links to other files.
This command can be used with external file links to
images and OLE objects (when inserted with a link to an external file).Lists the path to the source file. If the path defines a DDE link, relative paths must be preceded with "file:".
列出上次儲存來源檔案所使用的應用程式 (如果已知)。
[自動] 選項僅適用於 DDE 連結。您可以從一個檔案複製 DDE 連結的內容,再選擇 [編輯] - [選擇性貼上] 來貼上該內容,然後選取 [連結] 方塊,從而插入 DDE 連結。由於 DDE 是文字型的連結系統,因此僅會將顯示的小數位複製到目標試算表中。
Only updates the link when you click the Update button.
載入包含 DDE 連結的檔案時,系統會提示您更新連結。如果您不想建立與 DDE 伺服器的連線,請拒絕更新。
Links to remote locations can be constructed that transmit local data to the remote server. Decline the prompt to update if you do not trust the document.