
在 LibreOffice 中,除自身的 XML 格式之外,您還可以開啟和儲存多種外來的 XML 格式。

There may be cases where you have to select the file type yourself in the Open dialog. For example, if you have a database table in text format that you want to open as a database table, you need to specify the file type "Text CSV" after selecting the file.

BASIC Macros in Microsoft Office Documents

- [載入/儲存] - [VBA 特性] 中,您可以在 MS Office 文件中指定 VBA 巨集程式碼的設定。VBA 巨集必須先轉換與調整,否則無法在 LibreOffice 中執行。通常,您只想使用 LibreOffice 變更 Word、Excel 或 PowerPoint 檔案的可見內容,然後以 Microsoft Office 格式再儲存一次檔案,而不變更這些檔案所包含的巨集。您可視需要設定 LibreOffice 的運作方式:VBA 巨集以已註釋的形式儲存成 LibreOffice 的子常式,此文件以 MS Office 格式儲存時會重新正確地寫回;或者您可以選取載入時移除 Microsoft Office 巨集。最後一個選項是對 Microsoft Office 文件中病毒的有效防護。





以 HTML 格式匯入與匯出

您也可以利用 LibreOffice Writer 在您的 HTML 文件中插入註腳和尾註。它們會當作元標籤匯出。註腳和尾註符號則會當作超連結匯出。

評註可用以在 HTML 文件中使用未知字元。每個以「HTML:...」開始並以「>」結束的評註都會視作 HTML 編碼處理,但在匯出時不會匯出這些標記。在「HTML:...」之後也可以在文字前後加入某些標籤。加重音字元會轉換為 ANSI 字元集。匯入時同樣會建立評註 (例如,針對在檔案特性中不佔位置的中介標籤或不明的標籤)。

LibreOffice Writer 的 HTML 匯入情形為讀取以 UTF-8 或 UCS2 字元編碼的形式存在的檔案。藉此顯示位於 ANSI 字型或系統字型中的全部字元。

When exporting to HTML, the character set selected in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility is used. Characters not present there are written in a substitute form, which is displayed correctly in modern web browsers. When exporting such characters, you will receive an appropriate warning.

If, in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility, you select Mozilla Firefox or LibreOffice Writer as the export option, upon export all important font attributes are exported as direct attributes (for example, text color, font size, bold, italic, and so on) in CSS1 styles. (CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.) Importing is also carried out according to this standard.

The "font" property corresponds to Mozilla Firefox; that is, before the font size you can specify optional values for "font-style" (italic, none), "font-variant" (normal, small-caps) and "font-weight" (normal, bold).

If LibreOffice Writer are set as the export option, the sizes of the control field and their internal margins are exported as styles (print formats). CSS1 size properties are based on "width" and "height" values. The "Margin" property is used to set equal margins on all sides of the page. To allow different margins, the "Margin-Left", "Margin-Right", "Margin-Top" and "Margin-Bottom" properties are used.

The distances of graphics and Plug-Ins to the content can be set individually for export to LibreOffice Writer. If the top/bottom or right/left margin is set differently, the distances are exported in a "STYLE" option for the corresponding tag as CSS1 size properties "Margin-Top", "Margin-Bottom", "Margin-Left" and "Margin-Right".

Frames are supported with the use of CSS1 extensions for absolute positioned objects. This applies only to the export options Mozilla Firefox and LibreOffice Writer. Frames can be aligned as graphics, and Floating Frames, but character-linked frames are not possible.

Frames are exported as "<SPAN>" or "<DIV>" tags if they do not contain columns. If they do contain columns then they are exported as "<MULTICOL>".

The measurement unit set in LibreOffice is used for HTML export of CSS1 properties. The unit can be set separately for text and HTML documents under - LibreOffice Writer - General or - LibreOffice Writer/Web - View. The number of exported decimal places depends on the unit.


CSS1 定量單位的名稱
















The LibreOffice Web page filter supports certain capabilities of CSS2. However, to use it, print layout export must be activated in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility. Then, in HTML documents, besides the HTML Page Style, you can also use the styles "First page", "Left page" and "Right page". These styles should enable you to set different page sizes and margins for the first page and for right and left pages when printing.


If, in - Load/Save - HTML Compatibility, the export option "LibreOffice Writer" is selected, the indents of numberings are exported as "margin-left" CSS1 property in the STYLE attribute of the <OL> and <UL> tags. The property indicates the difference relative to the indent of the next higher level.

左段落縮排會在編號內指定為「margin-left」CSS1 屬性。首行縮排則會於編號中加以忽略,且因此不會匯出。


LibreOffice 可匯入和匯出諸如參照的欄之類已刪除區塊的參照。匯出過程中可以檢視整個公式,已刪除的參照包含對參照的指示 (#REF!)。在匯入期間,會為參照相應地建立一個 #REF!。


您能夠以和 HTML 文件類似的方式決定開啟一個 LibreOffice 圖形檔時,是否要使用名稱中含有附加項目(LibreOffice Impress) 的篩選。如果要使用,則檔案會當作 LibreOffice Draw 文件開啟;否則,現在會以 LibreOffice Impress 開啟以舊版程式儲存的檔案,如此一來,您便能夠使用文件當作簡報的輸出點。

匯入 EPS 檔案時,圖形預覽會顯示在文件中。如果無法預覽,則與圖形大小相對應的定位符會顯示在文件中。在 Unix 和 Microsoft Windows 下,您可以使用 PostScript 印表機列印匯入的檔案。 當匯出 EPS 圖形時,會建立具有 TIFF 或 EPSI 格式的預覽。如果 EPS 圖形與其他圖形一同以 EPS 格式匯出,則此檔案將以原樣內嵌於新的檔案中。

匯入和匯出 TIFF 格式的圖形時,同樣會考慮到所謂的「多頁 Tiff」。如此便關係到在單一檔案中個別影像的彙集,例如,傳真的個別頁面。

Some LibreOffice Draw and LibreOffice Impress options can be accessed through File - Export. See Graphics Export Options for more information.


若要以 PostScript 格式匯出文件或圖形,請:

  1. 只要尚未加以處理,則請安裝 PostScript 印表機驅動程式,例如,Apple LaserWriter 的驅動程式。

  2. 使用[檔案] - [列印]功能表指令列印文件。

  3. 在對話方塊中選取 PostScript 印表機並標記[列印成檔案]核取方塊。則將建立 PostScript 檔案。

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