LibreOffice 24.8 Help
若要透過 LibreOffice 啟動,則我們會向您在這個字彙表中解釋最重要且會一直遇到的專業項目。
使用詞彙表查詢在任何 LibreOffice 應用程式中所發現不熟悉的術語。
用於資訊互換之美式標準碼的縮寫。ASCII 是對於個人電腦上用於字型顯示的字型。它是由 128 個字母、字元、標點符號和特殊字元所組成。已擴展的 ASCII 字型可以包含 256 個字元。每個字元都指定有一個唯一的編號,我們也把這個編號當作 ASCII 碼。
在 HTML 頁面中,僅會顯示 7 位元 ASCII 字元集的字元。其他像是德語母音變化字元則可透過獨立的代碼來辨別。您可以輸入擴充的 ASCII 代碼字元,LibreOffice 會匯出執行必要轉換的篩選。
DDE 代表「動態資料交換」,是 OLE「物件連結與內嵌」的前身。使用 DDE,物件可以透過檔案參照相連結,而非內嵌。
您可以使用以下程序建立 DDE 連結:從 LibreOffice Calc 試算表中選取儲存格,並將其複製到剪貼簿中,然後切換到另一個試算表,並選取 [編輯] - [選擇性貼上] 對話方塊。選取 [連結] 選項,將儲存格內容作為 DDE 連結插入。啟動連結時,就可以從原來的檔案中讀取所插入的儲存格範圍。
In a form document, a control must receive focus from the user in order to become active and perform its tasks. For example, users must give focus to a text box in order to enter text into it.
There are several ways to give focus to a control:
Designate the control with a mouse or any pointing device.
Navigate from one control to the next with the keyboard. The document's author may define a tabbing order that specifies the order in which controls will receive focus if the user navigates the document with the keyboard. Once selected, a control may be activated by some other key sequence.
Select a control through an access key (sometimes called "keyboard shortcut" or "keyboard accelerator").
Half-width and full-width are properties used to differentiate characters used by some East Asian languages and scripts, mainly Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK).
The Han characters, Hiragana and Katakana characters, as well as Hangul characters used by these scripts are usually of square shape, and on fixed-width (monospace) display they occupy space of two Latin/ASCII characters. They are therefore called full-width characters, while the letters in Latin alphabet, digits, and punctuation marks included in ASCII character set are called half-width characters.
For historical reasons, a set of square-shaped Latin letters, digits, and punctuation marks are also defined and used in CJK typography, in addition to or in place of their half-width counterparts. They are called full-width forms. Similarly, there are also half-width forms of the usually full-width Katakanas and Hangul Jamos, and they have narrower shapes instead of square ones. A character's half-width and full-width forms are essentially two ways of writing the same character, just like uppercase and lowercase forms of Latin alphabet. LibreOffice supports conversion between half-width and full-width, as well as ignoring width difference when matching text strings.
IME 代表輸入法編輯器。一種允許使用者使用標準鍵盤,從非西文字元集輸入複雜字元的程式。
您可以使用 Java 資料庫連接 (JDBC) API 連接至 LibreOffice 中的資料庫。JDBC 驅動程式是以 Java 程式設計語言編寫,而且不依賴於平台。
A numeral system is determined by the number of digits available for representing numbers. The decimal system, for instance is based on the ten digits (0..9), the binary system is based on the two digits 0 and 1, the hexadecimal system is based on 16 digits (0...9 and A...F).
開放式資料庫連接 (ODBC) 是一個協定規範,應用程式可以透過它存取資料庫系統。使用的查詢語言是結構化查詢語言 (SQL)。在 LibreOffice 中,您可以確定在每種資料庫中是否使用 SQL 指令執行查詢。另外,您還可以使用互動式說明,透過按一下滑鼠定義查詢,並使查詢透過 LibreOffice 自動翻譯成 SQL。
物件連結和內嵌 (OLE) 物件可連結至目標文件,也可以執行內嵌。內嵌將物件的副本和來源程式的細節插入目標文件。如果您要編輯物件,則只需在該物件上按兩下即可啟動來源程式。
If an OLE object is linked to a target document, then the target document must be available in the location specified in the link. Deleting or moving the target document will make it impossible to open the linked OLE object. You can use the option in the section of Load/Save Options to configure your system to save links to your filesystem.
OpenGL 表示一種 3D 圖形語言,由 SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc) 最先開發。常用的 OpenGL 語言有兩種:由 SGI 開發的 Cosmo OpenGL 和在 Windows NT 下使用的 Microsoft OpenGL。Cosmo OpenGL 是一種不受平台限制、可用於各種電腦的圖形語言 (甚至可用在那些未安裝特殊 3D 圖形硬體的電腦上)。
可攜網路圖形 (PNG) 是一種圖形檔案格式。這種檔案使用可選的壓縮比例進行壓縮,與 JPG 格式相比,PNG 檔案的壓縮不會造成任何資訊的遺失。
豐富文本格式 (RTF) 是一種為交換文字檔案而開發的檔案格式。它的特殊功能在於,將文件格式轉換為可直接讀取的文字資訊。但與其他檔案格式相比,採用此格式的檔案相對較大。
結構化查詢語言 (SQL) 是一種用於資料庫查詢的語言。在 LibreOffice 中,您可以透過 SQL 編輯查詢,或透過滑鼠互動式進行。
SQL 資料庫是提供 SQL 介面的資料庫系統。SQL 資料庫通常用於用戶端/伺服器網路,其中不同的用戶端會存取中央的伺服器 (例如,SQL 伺服器),因此也被稱為 SQL 伺服器資料庫,或是簡稱 SQL 伺服器。
您可以在 LibreOffice 中整合外部 SQL 資料庫。這些資料庫可能位於本機硬碟上以及網路上。您可以透過 ODBC、JDBC 或是整合到 LibreOffice 的本機驅動程式存取。
您可以從列標題的右鍵功能表中為所選欄位選擇相關的指令,在 LibreOffice 中定義表格設計檢視中的主關鍵字。
Some windows in LibreOffice, for example the Styles window and the Navigator, are "dockable" windows. You can move these windows, re-size them or dock them to an edge. On each edge you can dock several windows on top of, or alongside each other; then, by moving the border lines, you can change the relative proportions of the windows.
To undock and re-dock, holding down the key, double-click a vacant area in the window. In the Styles window, you can also double-click a gray part of the window next to the icons, while you hold down the key.
如果您按一下視窗邊界上的按鈕以顯示視窗,除非您重新手動隱藏 (使用相同的按鈕),否則會一直顯示該視窗。
寡行和孤行是在字體排印學中很有歷史的術語,已經使用很多年。寡行表示段落的結尾,在印刷時,獨自遺留在下一頁的頂端。相反地,孤行是段落中的第一行,孤單落在上一頁的底部。在 LibreOffice 的文字文件中,你可以對所要的段落樣式作設定來自動避免這樣的情況。於設定中,您可以選取保持在一起同一頁中的最小行數。
貝茲曲線是一種使用數學方法定義的曲線,由法國數學家 Pierre Bezier 提出,主要用在平面圖形應用程式中。這種曲線由四個點定義,即起點、終點和兩個獨立的中間點。可以使用滑鼠移動這些點來修改貝茲曲線物件。
格式是指使用文字處理程式或 DTP 程式之文字的可視版面配置。這包括定義紙張格式、頁面邊框、字型和字型效果以及縮排和間隔。您可以直接或是使用 LibreOffice 提供的樣式格式化文字。
A style is a set of formatting attributes, grouped and identified by a name (the style name). When you apply a style to an object, the object is formatted with the set of attributes of the style. Several objects of same nature can have the same style. As consequence, when you change the set of formatting attributes of the style, all objects associated with the style also change their formatting attributes accordingly. Use styles to uniformly format a large set of paragraphs, cells, and objects and better manage the formatting of documents.
When you do not use styles, and apply formatting attributes to parts of text directly, this is called Direct formatting (also called manual formatting). The formatting is applied only to the selected area of the document. If the document has several paragraphs, frames, or any other object, you apply direct formatting on each object. Direct formatting is available with the Format menu and with the Formatting toolbar.
A direct formatting attribute applied on a object overrides the corresponding attribute of the style applied to the object.
In various dialogs (for example,
) you can select whether you want to save files relatively or absolutely.如果選擇相對儲存,則文件中內嵌圖形或其他物件的參照將會相對儲存到檔案系統中。在此情況下,將參照的目錄結構記錄在什麼位置並不重要。只要參照位於同一磁碟機或卷次上,不論檔案在什麼位置都能找到。如果您希望在其他可能具有完全不同的目錄結構、磁碟機或卷次名稱的電腦上也能使用此文件,則可採用相對儲存。如果要在網際網路伺服器上建立目錄結構,建議您也採用相對儲存。
目前,LibreOffice 支援北印度語、泰語、希伯來語和阿拉伯語作為 CTL 語言。
Enable CTL support using
command is found in the menu. The command can only be activated when at least one link is contained in the current document. When you insert a picture, for example, you can either insert the picture directly into the document or insert the picture as a link.直接將物件插入文件時,文件的大小會以位元組為單位 (至少) 增加物件的大小。您可以儲存文件,並在其他電腦上開啟文件,所插入的物件會出現在文件中相同的位置。
to see which files are inserted as links. The links can be removed if required. This will break the link and insert the object directly.RDBMS (relational database management system) 是一個資料庫系統,可在其中以相互連結格式表格的方式管理資料。在正確的資料庫計劃下可以保證,所有資料都只能輸入一次,儘管這些資料可以視為有不同的連結。
關係資料庫管理系統 (RDBMS) 是一個可讓您建立、更新和管理關係資料庫的程式。RDBMS 接受由使用者輸入或包含在應用程式中的結構化查詢語言 (SQL) 陳述式,並建立、更新或提供對資料庫的存取。
舉例來說,一個包含客戶表、採購表和發票表的資料庫就是典型的關聯式資料庫。在發票表中,並不包含實際的客戶資料或採購資料,但是包含透過關聯式連結或關係而與各個客戶表欄位和採購表欄位 (如客戶表中的客戶 ID 欄位) 相關聯的參照。
在 LibreOffice 中,行距皆相等功能稱為 頁面行距。
Page line-spacing refers to the coincident imprint of the lines within a type area on the front and the back side of a page. The page line-spacing feature makes a page easier to read by preventing gray shadows from shining through between the lines of text. The page line-spacing term also refers to lines in adjacent text columns, where lines in different columns use the same vertical grid, thereby aligning them vertically with each other.
Page line-spacing printing is particularly useful for documents that will have two pages set next to each other (for example, in a book or brochure), for multi-column layouts, and for documents intended for double-sided printing.