LibreOffice 25.2 Help
An individual cell is fully identified by the sheet it belongs, the column identifier (letter) located along the top of the columns and a row identifier (number) found along the left-hand side of the spreadsheet. On spreadsheets read from left to right, the complete reference for the upper left cell of the sheet is Sheet.A1.
You can reference a set of cells by referencing them in ranges. Ranges can be a block of cells, entire set of columns and entire set of rows. The range A1:B2 is the first four cells in the upper left corner of the sheet. Range A:E contains all the cells of column A, B, C, D and E. Range 2:5 contains all the cells of row 2, 3, 4 and 5.
欄 A 以及列 1 的儲存格定位為 A1。您要指出和儲存格相連的區塊,可以指出該區域左上角的位址,然後輸入一個冒號,接著再輸入該區塊右下角儲存格的位址。這個左上角最前面四個儲存格的矩形區塊稱為 A1:B2。
這種一個區塊定址的類型對於 A1:B2 是一個相對的參照。這裡的相對指的是,如果您複製這個公式,這個參照符合這個填入。
Absolute referencing is the opposite of relative addressing. A dollar sign is placed before each letter and number in an absolute reference, for example, $A$1:$B$2.
LibreOffice can convert the current reference, in which the cursor is positioned in the input line, from relative to absolute and vice versa by pressing F4. If you start with a relative address such as A1, the first time you press this key combination, both row and column are set to absolute references ($A$1). The second time, only the row (A$1), and the third time, only the column ($A1). If you press the key combination once more, both column and row references are switched back to relative (A1)
LibreOffice Calc shows the references to a formula. If, for example, you click the formula =SUM(A1:C5;D15:D24) in a cell, the two referenced areas in the sheet will be highlighted in color. For example, the formula component "A1:C5" may be in blue and the cell range in question bordered in the same shade of blue. The next formula component "D15:D24" can be marked in red in the same way.
要以什麼區別相對參照?假設您要在儲存格 E1 計算區塊 A1:B2 中的儲存格小計。輸入 E1 的公式為:=SUM(A1:B2)。如果您稍後決定要在欄 A 之前插入新的欄,您要增加的元素則會在 B1:C2 且公式會在 F1 而不是 E1。插入新的欄之後,您因此必須檢查並校正目前試算表中或其他試算表中的的所有公式。
幸運的是,LibreOffice 會替您完成此工作。插入新欄 A 後,公式 =SUM(A1:B2) 將自動更新為 =SUM(B1:C2)。插入新列 1 時,列號也會自動調整。在 LibreOffice Calc 中,每當移動參照區塊時,絕對參照和相對參照就會自動進行調整。但請註意,複製公式時只調整相對參照,而不調整絕對參照。
除了插入新的列或欄,當參照特定儲存格的現有公式被複製到此試算表的另一區塊中時,參照也會變更。假定您在第 10 列中輸入了公式 =SUM(A1:A9)。如果要計算右側相鄰欄的總和,只需將此公式複製到右側的儲存格中。複製到欄 B 中的公式將自動調整為 =SUM(B1:B9)。