

  1. 請選出您要格式化的文字。

  2. [格式] 列中選擇所需的文字屬性。也可以選擇 [格式] - [儲存格]。螢幕上將顯示 [格式化儲存格] 對話方塊,您可以在其中的 [字型] 標籤頁中選擇各種文字屬性。


  1. 請選出您要變更其數字顯示的儲存格。

  2. 若要以預設貨幣格式或百分比來格式化數字,請使用 [格式] 列上的圖示。若要使用其他格式,請選擇 [格式] - [Ax|s(r)æ]。您可以在[數字] 標籤頁上選擇預先設定的格式,或定義自己的格式。


  1. You can assign a format to any group of cells by first selecting the cells (for multiple selection, hold down the key when clicking), and then activating the Format Cells dialog in Format - Cells. In this dialog, you can select attributes such as shadows and backgrounds.

  2. To apply formatting attributes to an entire sheet, choose Format - Page Style. You can define headers and footers, for example, to appear on each printed page.


An image that you have loaded with Format - Page Style - Background is only visible in print or in the print preview. To display a background image on screen as well, insert the graphic image by choosing Insert - Image - From File and arrange the image behind the cells by choosing Format - Arrange - To Background. Use the Navigator to select the background image.

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