LibreOffice 25.2 Help
這個指令會開啟 [函式清單] 視窗,此視窗將會顯示可插入您文件中的所有函式。[函式清單] 視窗與函式精靈的 [函式] 標籤頁類似。插入的函式含有萬用字元,這些萬用字元將由相應的數值來替代。
The Function List window is a resizable dockable window. Use it to quickly enter functions in the spreadsheet. By double-clicking an entry in the functions list, the respective function is directly inserted with all parameters.
Displays the available functions. When you select a function, the area below the list box displays a short description. To insert the selected function double-click it or click the Insert Function into calculation sheet icon.
Inserts the selected function into the document.