LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
您可以将 Writer 文档打印成小册子或手册。也就是说,Writer 在一张纸的一面上打印两个页面,这样,将纸张对折后,可以像看书一样阅读文档。
创建要以小册子打印的文档时,页面方向应使用纵向。打印文档时,Writer 应用小册子版式。
LibreOffice is not designed to handle brochure printing of documents that include landscape page orientations, but it is possible to print such documents.
It is not possible to print a large image across two pages. Cut the image into two parts, and insert each part on different pages.
选择「文件 - 打印」。
如果打印机进行双面打印,并且由于小册子始终以横向模式打印,因此,应该在打印机设置对话框中使用「双面打印 - 短边」设置。
Return to Print dialog.
In the Page Layout section, select Brochure.
For a printer that automatically prints on both sides of a page, specify in the Range and Copies section to include Odd and Even Pages.
Click Print.
If LibreOffice prints the pages in the wrong order, select Print in reverse order in the Range and Copies section, and then print the document again.