

  1. 在文档中要开始新页的位置点击。

  2. Press +Enter.


  1. 在手动分页之后的页面上的第一个字符前点击。

  2. 按「退格」键。


  1. 在表格中点击鼠标右键,然后选择「表格」。

  2. 点击「文字流」选项卡。

  3. 清除「分页」复选框。

To Quickly Switch Between Portrait and Landscape Page Layout

The default template provided by LibreOffice Writer offers several page layout styles, among which the Default Page Style has Portrait orientation and the Landscape style has landscape orientation.

These styles can be used to quickly switch between portrait and landscape orientation by inserting manual breaks and choosing the appropriate page styles as described below:

  1. Place the cursor where the page break is to be inserted.

  2. Go to Insert - More Breaks - Manual Break. The Insert Break dialog will open.

  3. Choose the option Page break and in the Page Style drop-down list choose the page style to be applied to the page after the break (Default Page Style, Landscape, etc).

  4. If the applied has to be changed again at a certain point in the document (for instance, to switch back from landscape to portrait orientation), place the cursor at this point and repeat the steps previously described.


Read the help page Changing Page Orientation to learn more about advanced configurations that can be defined concerning page orientation.
