

To Prepare a Paragraph Style for Chapter Titles

  1. Choose Tools - Heading Numbering - Numbering tab.

  2. In the Level box, select 1.

  3. In the Paragraph style box, select the paragraph style that you want to use for chapter titles, for example, Heading 1.

  4. Select the numbering scheme for the chapter titles in the Number box, for example, 1,2,3....

  5. Type Chapter followed by a space in the Before box.

  6. Enter a space in the After box.

  7. 点击「确定」。


  1. 对文档中的章节标题应用您为章节标题定义的段落样式。

  2. 选择「插入 - 页眉与页脚 - 页眉」或「插入 - 页眉与页脚 - 页脚」,然后从子菜单中选择当前页面的页面样式。

  3. 在页眉或页脚中点击。

  4. 选择「插入 - 字段 - 其他」,然后点击「功能」选项卡。

  1. Click Heading in the Type list, Heading number and contents in the Format list, and 1 in Up to level.

  2. 点击「插入」,然后点击「关闭」。

