LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
脚注在页面的底端提供有关某个主题的更多信息,而尾注在文档的结尾提供参考信息。LibreOffice 会对脚注与尾注自动编号。
Choose Insert - Footnote and Endnote - Insert Special Footnote/Endnote.
区域中,选择要使用的格式。如果选择「 」,则点击浏览按钮 ( 」),然后选择要用于脚注的字符。在「
区域中,选择「 」或 」。点击「确定」。
You can insert endnotes directly by clicking the Standard or Insert toolbar or choose .
icon on the用鼠标操作也能够从脚注标记跳到脚注上。只要鼠标指针到脚注标记上,其视图就会转换。
To edit the text of a footnote or endnote, click in the note, or click the anchor for the note in the text, or press CommandCtrl+Shift+PageDown.
要从脚注或尾注跳到文本中的备注标记,请按 PageUp 键。
To edit the numbering properties of a footnote or endnote anchor, click in front of the anchor, and choose Edit - Reference - Footnote or Endnote.
To change the formatting that LibreOffice applies to footnotes and endnotes, choose Tools - Footnote/Endnote Settings.
To edit the properties of the text area for footnotes or endnotes, choose Format - Page Style, and then click the Footnote tab.
Shortcut keys can be made to insert, edit, and navigate to footnotes and endnotes. Choose note in the Functions box to see possibilities.
tab and enter