LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
Opens the File menu.
These commands apply to the current document, create a document, open an existing document, or close the application.
These commands apply to the current spreadsheet, create a spreadsheet, open an existing spreadsheet, or close the application.
These commands apply to the current presentation, create a presentation, open an existing presentation, or close the application.
This menu contains general commands for working with Draw documents, such as create, open, close and print. To close LibreOffice Draw, click Exit.
Opens a local or remote file, or inserts text from a file. Opening multiple files is possible.
Prints the current document, selection, or the pages that you specify. You can also set the print options for the current document. The printing options can vary according to the printer and the operating system that you use.
Closes all LibreOffice programs and prompts you to save your changes. This command does not exist on macOS systems.