导出为 PDF
将当前文件保存为可移植文档格式 (PDF) 1.4 版本。如果安装了支持的软件,就可以在任何平台上以完整的原始格式查看或打印 PDF 文件。
From the menu bar:
Choose .
Sets the general options for exporting your document to a PDF file. Range, images, watermark, forms and other parameters.
Sets the options for the initial view of the PDF file in the external PDF viewer.
Specifies the options for the external PDF viewer user interface.
Specify how to export bookmarks, document references and hyperlinks in your document.
Specifies the security options of the exported PDF file.
This tab contains the options related to exporting to a digitally signed PDF.
以 PDF 格式导出当前文件。