LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
Click the Check for Updates button in the Extensions dialog to check for online updates for all installed extensions. To check for online updates for only the selected extension, right-click to open the context menu, then choose Update.
」按钮或选择「 」命令时,将显示「扩展更新」对话框,并立即开始检查是否有可用更新。检查更新时您将看到一个进度指示器。请等待对话框中显示的某些信息,或点击「取消」中止更新检查。
未满足依赖性 (此更新需要安装更多或更新的文件)。
Insufficient user rights (the Extensions dialog was started from the menu, but shared extensions can only be modified when LibreOffice does not run, and only by a user with appropriate rights). See Extensions dialog for details.
Some extensions may be marked with the phrase “browser-based update”. These extensions cannot be downloaded by the Extensions dialog. A web browser must be opened to download the extension update from a particular web site. That site may require several more user interaction to download the extension. After downloading you must install the extension manually, for example by double-clicking the extension's icon in a file browser.
For extensions marked as “browser-based update”, the Extensions dialog will open your web browser on the respective web site. This happens when you close the dialog, after downloading any other extension updates. If there are no extensions which can be directly downloaded then the web browser is started immediately.