LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
Opens a local or remote file . Opening multiple files is possible.
File dialogs - such as
, and the like - are available in two different ways:As native file picker dialogs of the window manager of your operating system.
As built-in LibreOffice file picker dialogs.
Use - to shift from one to the other. -
Pick up your preferred folder from the pull-down list or type its path name. Autocomplete function can be used to ease typing.
Connect to a server using the File Services dialog.
Select a parent folder from the folder path with .
Add a subfolder to the current folder with .
Add current folder to your favorite places using
. Remove a selected place from the list with .Displays the files and folders in the folder that you are in. Click column headers to sort files names, types, sizes or dates in ascending or descending order.
To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold
while you click the files, and then click .现代系统文件对话框提供了许多用于文件处理的功能。大多数允许您重命名、删除、创建文件,对文件列表进行排序,以图标、树状或列表视图显示文件和文件夹、遍历文件系统文件夹树等。在显示区域内选中文件,使用鼠标右键获取命令列表。
选择您想要打开的文件类型,或选择「所有文件 (*)」来显示此文件夹中的所有文件列表。
如果所选文件存在多个版本,请选择要打开的版本。选择「文件 - 版本」,可以保存和管理一个文档的多个版本。文档的版本以只读模式打开。
打开从模板创建的文档时,LibreOffice 会检查自上次打开文档以来,该模板是否被更改过。如果模板被更改过,则会显示一个对话框,您可以在其中选择将哪些样式应用于即将打开的文档。
。LibreOffice 可以识别在「」下「模板」项中定义的所有目录里面包含的模板。
如果要断开文档和无法找到的模板间的关联,可点击LibreOffice 仍然会寻找模板。