Returns the date calculated from a start date with a specific number of work days, before or after the start date. The calculation can include week-ends and holidays as non-working days.
WORKDAY.INTL(StartDate; Days [; Weekend [; Holidays]])
StartDate: is the date from when the calculation is carried out.
将日期作为公式一部分输入时,日期分隔符 (斜杠与短横线) 会被理解为算术运算符。因此,按此格式输入的日期无法正确识别为日期,导致错误计算。要保持日期作为公式一部分,请使用 DATE 函数,例如「DATE(1954;7;20)」或将日期放在引号内,使用 ISO 8601 标记法,例如「1954-07-20」。请避免使用受区域影响的日期格式,例如「07/20/54」,在其他区域设置下加载文档,会导致计算错误。
This function is not part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3. Part 4: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format standard. The name space is