LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
TEXTJOIN( delimiter, skip_empty, String 1[; String 2][; … ;[String 253]] )
skip_empty is a logical argument. When set to FALSE or 0, empty strings will be taken into account and this may lead to adjacent delimiters in the returned string. When set to any other value (e.g. TRUE or 1), empty strings will be ignored.
String 1[; String 2][; … ;[String 253]] are strings, references to cells or to cell ranges of strings.
区域将逐行遍历 (从上往下)。
=TEXTJOIN(" "; 1; "Here"; "comes"; "the"; "sun") returns "Here comes the sun" with space character as delimiter and empty strings are ignored.
if A1:B2 contains "Here", "comes", "the", "sun" respectively, =TEXTJOIN("-";1;A1:B2) returns "Here-comes-the-sun" with dash character as delimiter and empty strings are ignored.