UNO Objects, Functions and Services

统一网络对象 (UNO) 的函数、对象和服务。

LibreOffice Global Objects

StarDesktop object

The StarDesktop object represents LibreOffice application. Some routines or user interface objects such as current window can be used via StarDesktop.

GetDefaultContext 函数

返回过程服务工厂的默认环境 (如果存在),否则返回空引用。

GetProcessServiceManager 函数

返回 ProcessServiceManager (中央 Uno ServiceManager)。

GlobalScope specifier

To manage personal or shared library containers (Application Macros or My Macros) from within a document, use the GlobalScope specifier.

Active document Objects

The following objects can be used from the active document.

BasicLibraries Object

DialogLibraries Object

ThisComponent Object

ThisComponent represents the current document in Basic macros. It addresses the active component whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called. Properties and methods available through ThisComponent depend on the document type.

ThisDatabaseDocument object

ThisDatabaseDocument addresses the active Base document whose properties can be read and set, and whose methods can be called.

ThisDatabaseDocument returns an object of type

UNO Methods

Use the following methods to manage or query Unified Network Objects (UNO).

CreateUnoDialog 函数

在 Basic 运行时建立一个表示 Uno 对话框控制的 Basic Uno 对象。

CreateUnoListener Function


CreateUnoService Function

Instantiates a Uno service with the ProcessServiceManager.

CreateUnoServiceWithArguments Function

Instantiates a UNO service with the ProcessServiceManager, including supplemental optional arguments.

CreateUnoStruct 函数

创建一个 Uno 结构类型的实例。

CreateUnoValue 函数

返回一个对象,该对象表示一个涉及 Uno 类型系统的精确类型值。

EqualUnoObjects Function

Returns True if the two specified Basic variables represent the same Uno object instance.

HasUnoInterfaces 函数

测试 Basic Uno 对象是否支持某个 Uno 接口。

IsUnoStruct 函数

如果给定的对象具有 Uno 结构,则返回 True。

CreateObject Function

创建 UNO 对象。在 Windows 上还可以创建 OLE 对象。



LibreOffice provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows controlling the LibreOffice components with different programming languages by using the LibreOffice Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit
