LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
Use the Val function to convert a string that represents a number into numeric data type.
The string passed to the Val function is locale-independent. This means that commas are interpreted as thousands separators and a dot is used as the decimal separator.
Val (Text As String)
If only part of the string contains numbers, only the first appropriate characters of the string are converted. If the string does not contain any numbers then Val returns 0.
Sub ExampleVal
MsgBox Val("123.1") + 1 ' 124.1
' Below 123,1 is interpreted as 1231 since "," is the thousands separator
MsgBox Val("123,1") + 1 ' 1232
' All numbers are considered until a non-numeric character is reached
MsgBox Val("123.4A") ' 123.4
' The example below returns 0 (zero) since the string provided does not start with a number
MsgBox Val("A123.123") ' 0
End Sub