LibreOffice 25.2 帮助
Defines one or more statement blocks that you only want to execute if a given condition or expression is True.
If condition Then
[{ElseIf} condition Then
{EndIf|End If}
Instead of End If you can write EndIf.
If statements can be shortened to one line when using single statement blocks.
If condition Then statement [Else statement]
The If...Then statement executes program blocks depending on given conditions. When LibreOffice Basic encounters an If statement, the condition is tested. If the condition is True, all subsequent statements up to the next Else or ElseIf statement are executed. If the condition is False, and an ElseIf statement follows, LibreOffice Basic tests the next expression and executes the following statements if the condition is True. If False, the program continues either with the next ElseIf or Else statement. Statements following Else are executed only if none of the previously tested conditions were True. After all conditions are evaluated, and the corresponding statements executed, the program continues with the statement following EndIf.
Sub ExampleIfThenDate
Dim sInput As String
Dim dInput As Date
On Error Goto inputError
sInput = InputBox("Enter the expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD)")
dInput = DateValue(sInput)
If dInput < Date() Then
MsgBox "The expiration date has passed"
ElseIf dInput > Date() Then
MsgBox "The expiration date has not yet passed"
MsgBox "The expiration date is today"
End If
If dInput = 0 Then MsgBox "Invalid input"
End Sub