LibreOffice 24.8 帮助
返回 Open 语句打开的文件的访问模式或文件访问编号。文件访问编号取决于操作系统 (OSH = 操作系统句柄)。
If you use a 32-Bit operating system, you cannot use the FileAttr function to determine the file access number.
请参阅: Open
FileAttr (Channel As Integer, Attributes As Integer)
Channel: The number of the file that was opened with the Open statement.
Attributes: Integer expression that indicates the type of file information that you want to return. The following values are possible:
1: FileAttr indicates the access mode of the file.
2: FileAttr returns the file access number of the operating system.
如果您将参数属性指定为 1,则可以应用以下返回值:
1 - INPUT (打开文件进行输入)
1 - OUTPUT (打开文件进行输出)
4 - RANDOM (打开文件进行随机访问)
8 - APPEND (打开文件进行附加)
32 - BINARY (以二进制模式打开文件)。
Sub ExampleFileAttr
Dim iNumber As Integer
Dim sLine As String
Dim aFile As String
aFile = "C:\Users\ThisUser\data.txt"
iNumber = Freefile
Open aFile For Output As #iNumber
Print #iNumber, "这是一行文本"
MsgBox FileAttr(#iNumber, 1), 0, "Access mode"
MsgBox FileAttr(#iNumber, 2), 0, "File attribute"
Close #iNumber
End Sub