Edit Formula

Opens the Formula bar to create and insert calculations into a text document.

Để truy cập lệnh này...

From the menu bar:

Choose Table - Edit Formula.

From the context menu:

Choose Edit Formula.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Table - Edit Formula.

From toolbars:

Icon Edit Formula

Edit Formula

From the keyboard:


From the sidebar:

On the Miscellaneous area of the Table deck on the Properties panel, click Edit Formula.

Tham chiếu ô

Hiển thị vị trí của con trỏ ô trên bảng.

Công thức

Opens a submenu, from which you can insert a formula into the cell of a table. Place the cursor in a cell in the table or at the position in the document where you want the result to appear. Click the Formula icon and choose the desired formula from the submenu.

Formula icon in Table toolbar

Công thức


Clears the contents of the input line and closes the formula bar.



Áp dụng

Transfers the contents of the input line into your document and closes the formula bar. The contents of the input line are inserted at the cursor position in the document.

Icon Apply

Áp dụng

Vùng công thức

Allows you to create a formula by typing it directly into the input line or by clicking the Formula icon to display the formulas in submenu.

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