Trình đơn Định dạng

From toolbars:

AutoFormat Styles Icon


From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Rows - Height.

From the context menu:

Select a row header, choose Row Height.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Row - Row Height.

Choose Home - Row - Row Height.

From toolbars:

Icon Row Height

Row Height

From the menu bar:

Choose Format - Columns - Width.

From the context menu:

Select a column header, choose Column Width.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Layout - Column - Column Width.

Choose Home - Column - Column Width.

From toolbars:

Icon Column Width

Column Width

Open context menu of a row header in a database table - choose Table Format.

Open context menu of a column header in a database table - choose Column Format.

Context menu for a row header in an open database table - Delete Rows.

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Rotate or Flip

From toolbars:

Icon Rotate or Flip

Rotate or Flip

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Rotate or Flip - Vertically

From toolbars:

Icon Flip Vertically

Flip Vertically

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

Choose Rotate or Flip - Horizontally

From toolbars:

Icon Flip Horizontally

Flip Horizontally

Select three or more objects and

Choose Shape - Distribute Selection (LibreOffice Draw).

Open context menu - choose Distribute Selection (LibreOffice Impress).

Icon Distribute


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