Space and Spc Functions

Trả về một chuỗi chứa một số dấu cách đã ghi rõ.


The Spc function works the same as the Space function.


Space (n As Long)

Spc (n As Long)

Return value:



n: Numeric expression that defines the number of spaces in the string. The maximum allowed value of n is 2,147,483,648.

Error codes:

5 Sai gọi thủ tục


Sub ExampleSpace
Dim sText As String, sOut As String
Dim iLen As Integer
    iLen = 10
    sText = "Las Vegas"
    sOut = sText & Space(iLen) & sText & Chr(13) &_
    sText & Space(iLen*2) & sText & Chr(13) &_
    sText & Space(iLen*4) & sText & Chr(13)
    msgBox sOut,0,"Thông tin:"
End Sub

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