Меню "Зміни"

Щоб скористатися цією командою…

From the menu bar:

From the context menu:

From the tabbed interface:

From the sheet navigation bar:

From toolbars:

From the keyboard:

From the start center:

From the status bar:

From the sidebar:

From the menu bar:

Виберіть Засоби - Автотекст

From the tabbed interface:

Виберіть Вставка ▸ Автотекст

У меню Вставка вкладки Вставка оберіть Автотекст.

From toolbars:

Піктограма Автотекст


From the keyboard:

+ F3

From the menu bar:

Оберіть Зміни ▸ Активне джерело даних

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Tools, open menu button and select Exchange Database.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Fields.

Choose Insert - Fields.

Choose Insert - Cross-reference.

From the context menu:

Edit Field

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Insert - Fields.

Choose Insert - Cross-reference.

Choose References - Fields.

Choose References - Cross-references.

From toolbars:

Icon Cross-Reference


Icon Insert Field

Insert Field

From the keyboard:

+ F2

Choose Edit - Reference - Footnote or Endnote

Place the cursor in front of the index field, then choose Edit - Reference - Index Entry...

or right-click to open context menu - choose Edit Index Entry

From the menu bar:

Виберіть Формат - Розділи

From the status bar:

Click on the Object Info area.

From the sidebar:

On the Navigation panel, open the context menu of the selected section, choose Edit.

Виберіть Засоби - Автотекст - Автотекст - Перейменувати

ВиберітьЗміни - Елемент списку літератури

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Selection Mode

From the status bar:

Click the Selection area.

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Select Text.

From the menu bar:

Choose Select Text.

From the keyboard:

+ Shift + I

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Direct Cursor Mode

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home - Home menu - Direct Cursor Mode.

From toolbars:

Icon Toggle Direct Cursor Mode

Toggle Direct Cursor Mode

From the menu bar:

Choose Edit - Go to Page.

From the tabbed interface:

Choose Home tab menu - Go to Page.

From toolbars:

Icon Go to Page

Go to Page

From the keyboard:

+ G

From the status bar:

Click on the Page number area.

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