Довідка LibreOffice 25.2
Вставляє вміст буфера обміну у поточний файл у форматі, який ви можете вказати.
Показує джерело вмісту буфера обміну.
Select a format for the clipboard contents that you want to paste. The available format depends on the copied or cut source format.
When you paste HTML data into a text document, you can choose "HTML format" or "HTML format without comments". The second choice is the default; it pastes all HTML data, but no comments.
This dialog appears in Calc if the clipboard contains spreadsheet cells.
Choose one of the presets to quickly load commonly used settings for Paste Special.
Pastes only cell contents including text, numbers and dates.
Pastes cell contents and formats applied to cells.
Pastes only formats applied to cells.
Pastes all cell contents with their positions transposed.
Check this option to load the preset and immediately apply it. When unchecked, choosing a preset will only load the corresponding options in the dialog without pasting anything.
Uncheck Run immediately to load the options from the preset and change its settings in the Paste Special dialog before applying them by clicking OK.
Select a format for the clipboard contents that you want to paste.
Pastes all cell contents, comments, formats, and objects into the current document.
Inserts cells containing text.
Inserts cells containing numbers.
Inserts cells containing date and time values.
Inserts cells containing formulae.
Inserts comments that are attached to cells.
Inserts cell format attributes.
Inserts objects contained within the selected cell range. These can be OLE objects, chart objects, or drawing objects.
Select the operation to apply when you paste cells into your sheet.
Does not apply an operation when you insert the cell range from the clipboard. The contents of the clipboard will replace existing cell contents.
Adds the values in the clipboard cells to the values in the target cells. Also, if the clipboard only contains comments, adds the comments to the target cells.
Subtracts the values in the clipboard cells from the values in the target cells.
Multiplies the values in the clipboard cells with the values in the target cells.
Divides the values in the target cells by the values in the clipboard cells.
Sets the paste options for the clipboard contents.
Empty cells from the clipboard do not replace target cells. If you use this option in conjunction with the "Multiply" or the "Divide" operation, the operation is not applied to the target cell of an empty cell in the clipboard.
Якщо ви оберете математичну операцію та знімете прапорець Пропустити порожні комірки, то порожні комірки з буфера обміну буде оброблено як нулі. Наприклад, якщо ви застосуєте операцію Помножити, цільові комірки заповняться нулями.
The rows of the range in the clipboard are pasted to become columns of the output range. The columns of the range in the clipboard are pasted to become rows.
Inserts the cell range as a link, so that changes made to the cells in the source file are updated in the target file. To ensure that changes made to empty cells in the source file are updated in the target file, ensure that the "Paste All" option is also selected.
You can also link sheets within the same spreadsheet. When you link to other files, a DDE link is automatically created. A DDE link is inserted as a matrix formula and can only be modified as a whole.
Set the shift options for the target cells when the clipboard content is inserted.
Inserted cells replace the target cells.
Target cells are shifted downward when you insert cells from the clipboard.
Target cells are shifted to the right when you insert cells from the clipboard.