
Specify the settings for calculating and presenting subtotals.

Щоб скористатися цією командою…

From the menu bar:

Перейдіть на вкладку Дані - Проміжні підсумки - Параметри.

From the tabbed interface:

On the Data menu of the Data tab, choose Subtotals - Options tab.

Page break between groups

Inserts a new page after each group of subtotaled data.

Враховувати регістр

Recalculates subtotals when you change the case of a data label.

Pre-sort area according to groups

Sorts the area that you selected in the Group by box of the Group tabs according to the columns that you selected.


Разом з форматами

Considers formatting attributes when sorting.

Нетиповий порядок сортування

Uses a custom sorting order that you defined in the Options dialog box at LibreOffice Calc - Sort Lists.

За зростанням

Sorts beginning with the lowest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.


Sorts beginning with the highest value. You can define the sort rules on Data - Sort - Options. You define the default on - Languages and Locales - General.

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