XOR Operator

Performs a logical Exclusive-Or combination of two expressions.


Result = Expression1 XOR Expression2


Result: Any numeric variable that contains the result of the combination.

Expression1, Expression2: Any numeric expressions that you want to combine.

A logical Exclusive-Or conjunction of two Boolean expressions returns the value True only if both expressions are different from each other.

A bitwise Exclusive-Or conjunction returns a bit if the corresponding bit is set in only one of the two expressions.


Sub ExampleXOR
Dim vA As Variant, vB As Variant, vC As Variant, vD As Variant
Dim vOut As Variant
    vA = 10: vB = 8: vC = 6: vD = Null
    vOut = vA > vB XOR vB > vC ' returns 0
    vOut = vB > vA XOR vB > vC ' returns -1
    vOut = vA > vB XOR vB > vD ' returns -1
    vOut = (vB > vD XOR vB > vA) ' returns 0
    vOut = vB XOR vA ' returns 2
End Sub

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