LibreOffice 25.2 Yardım
Opens a dialog that enables you to edit hyperlinks.
Bu komuta erişmek...
Choose Insert - Hyperlink.
Choose Edit - Hyperlink, when the cursor is placed in a hyperlink.
Choose Edit Hyperlink, when the cursor is placed in a hyperlink.
Köprü Penceresi
CommandCtrl + K
Eklenecek köprü türünü seçin.
Use the Internet page of the Hyperlink dialog to edit hyperlinks with WWW addresses.
On the Mail page in the Hyperlink dialog you can edit hyperlinks for email addresses.
Hyperlinks to any document or targets in documents can be edited using the Document tab from the Hyperlink dialog.
Use the New Document tab from the Hyperlink dialog to set up a hyperlink to a new document and create the new document simultaneously.
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