Signature Line

Insert a graphic box representing a signature line of the document.

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Menü çubuğundan:

Choose Insert - Signature Line

Sekmeli arayüzden:

On the Insert menu of the Insert tab, choose Signature Line.

Araç çubuklarından:

Icon Insert Signature Line

Insert Signature Line

Signature Line Box

The signature line displays an horizontal line, a location mark, the name, title and email of signer.


Insert the name of the signer. The name is displayed in the signature line graphic box.


Enter the title of the signer. The title is displayed in the signature line graphic box.


Enter the email of the signer. The email is not displayed in the signature line graphic box, but is used for the digital signature.

İmzalayıcı açıklama ekleyebilir

Enable signer to insert comments in the Sign Signature Line dialog at time of signature.

İmzalanma tarihini imza satırında göster

Mark this checkbox to display the date of the signature, at the time when the document is digitally signed.

Instructions to the signer

Insert instructions for the signer. The instructions appears in the Sign Signature Line dialog box, at the time of signature.

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