Resume Statement

Resets error information and indicates what to execute next.


Resume Statement diagram

     Resume [ [0] | label | Next ]


0: Resets error information and re-executes the instruction that caused the error. 0 is optional.

label: Resets error information and resumes execution at the specified label of the current subroutine.

Next: Resets error information and executes the instruction following the one that caused the error.

Error information is built with Erl, Err and Error$ functions.


Using Resume to reset error information prevents the propagation of the handled condition to calling routines.

Hata kodları:

20 Hatasız devam etme


Typical error handling routines are: alerting the user, fixing the error, logging error information or re-throwing custom errors that provide explanations with resolution instructions. Use Resume label when requiring such mechanisms.

      Sub Error_Handling
      try: On Error GoTo catch
          ' routine code goes here
          Error 91 ' example error
          ' routine cleanup code goes here
          Exit Sub
          Print Erl, Err, Error$
          Resume finally
      End Sub ' Error_Handling

Use Resume Next, for example, when reporting anomalies encountered for an iterating process that must not be interrupted. In which case multiple handling routines may be required.

      Sub Iteration
          planets = Array("☿","♀","♁","♂","♃","♄","⛢","♆")
          On Error GoTo ReportAndProcessNext
          For ndx = -3 To 11 Step 1
              MsgBox planets(ndx)
          On Error GoTo 0 ' Stop error catching
          Exit Sub
          Print "Error "& Err &" at line "& Erl &" - "& Error$
          Resume Next
      End Sub ' Iteration

Using Resume without parameters to re-execute the faulty instruction can fit certain situations. However that may cause a never ending loop.

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